Situationships: the new trend in dating

Alright, so here you are, solo in 2024, still holding onto that hopeless romantic title. You’re still out there, believing in love at first sight, preaching about genuine heart-to-hearts, and insisting that settling down isn’t just some over-hyped fad. Hey, at least you’re consistent, right? Just when you think you’re cruising along, minding your own…

Who is Dayana Wang?

I get it, time is tight. Truth is, we struggle with prioritisation. Work matters, hobbies matter, traffic is a nightmare, and eating healthy is crucial. There are mornings when you opt for hitting the gym, and then there are mornings when you choose to snooze for an extra half hour. “Tomorrow is another day,” you…

Who is Adriana Babin?

Have you wondered how mermaids sound when they start singing? Until a few months ago, I though that is a myth but then I found Adriana. A real life mermaid with a magical panflute and a passion for music. I have listened to excerpts from her concerts and I had goosebumps every single time! Blogulcăutat:…

2022 Reading Haul

Yep, it’s that time of the year when I get a massive list with amazing authors. Or just a different way to show off and that I can actually have time to read. I am an avid reader and I usually like different genres, however I can say that I am more biased to read…

Who is Cassandra Calin?

Looking through my interviews, I’ve noticed a pattern, I can say that I have met my long time crushes. Wow, don’t go that far, I am not Robinson Crusoe and you have a very twisted mind. 🙂 I meant I had the opportunity to make the interviews possible with people I’ve admired on social media…