Situationships: the new trend in dating

Alright, so here you are, solo in 2024, still holding onto that hopeless romantic title. You’re still out there, believing in love at first sight, preaching about genuine heart-to-hearts, and insisting that settling down isn’t just some over-hyped fad. Hey, at least you’re consistent, right? Just when you think you’re cruising along, minding your own…

5 reasons to use Vinted

Well if you haven’t got the news about fast fashion, let me give some major updates made by the European Parliament.To tackle the impact on the environment, the EU wants to reduce textile waste and increase the life cycle and recycling of textiles by 2050. Simply put… we’re drowning in clothes. To illustrate, consider that…

2022 Reading Haul

Yep, it’s that time of the year when I get a massive list with amazing authors. Or just a different way to show off and that I can actually have time to read. I am an avid reader and I usually like different genres, however I can say that I am more biased to read…

How to get through lockdown 2.0

While I am writing this, we are starting the 2nd lockdown and fireworks announce this. Actually no, we are just experiencing the Bonfire Night while outside you can smell the winter air… Winter is coming my fellow readers. Most of my colleagues already left the halls to spend the time with their family because ‘there’s…

5 things I wish I knew before starting University

It’s hard to be a student but it is hard to be a student and trying to survive during a pandemic. Who thought that we would be able to multitask that much? In the last 3 weeks I’ve checked my colleague’s opinions and I came to 5 things in common. 1.It’s hard to be new…